What is Corruption


When we spoil the purity of anything we corrupt it ,and we do so because we are wicked in the sense. We began to destroy our honesty or integrity when we benefit ourselves or others illegally and immorally. when a person is in high position or place and he takes bribes or benefits to favour someone, he is corrupt in the most common way.

We all know corruption in our society and for that matter in almost all developed or developing societies ,is the order of the day.
why is it so, and why honesty and integrity are not the order of the day?
Firstly, corruption is common because the people in general ,especially in the developing or Third World countries are not well-off and they need more money and resources to meet their growing requirement.
Tacttus Says.
"The more corrupt the state, the more laws"
Today, corruption is almost a world phenomenon. It is infact, a universal problem having existed in all ages. It has cling to mankind like an incurable diseases. In view of its general prevalence,scholars have devoted a good deal of thought and attention in a desire to get rid by any means. In a free and competitive society ,investment of capital can yield only responsible return in the long run.But corruption or acceptance of bribe promises a rapid change in financial condition. Originally the police and income tax were notorious for corruption but now the evil has spread almost every Department of Government . Even Courts of justice and education are no exceptions.
Cycle of Corruption
Prevalence of corruption has created disappointment and discontent among the community .The machinery of government get rusted and ceases  to work in the intended manner.Corruption decrease respect for law and sense of allegiance to the government . In a society governed by corrupt officials, the whole system of moral, ethical and religious values is impaired. The distinction between right and wrong disappears. Revolution and military take-overs become common. Every student of History knows that one of the main causes of the downfall of nations has been corruption . In his famous book "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", Gibbon has stated that as long as there were even two percent honest men in the Roman administration, the Empire lingered on.
 The factor that contribute to the prevalence of corruption differ from country to country.Those that are common to most countries including Pakistan are seven. First, general economic condition of the country is poor and everyone tries to feather his nest. Second, The rate of payment of public officials are low, and they are tempted to accept bribes. Third, the general price level and the standard of living are very high: honest means of a person fail him. Fourth, there exist no strong opinion against corruption; it has been accept as a common thing. Sixth, laws confer on the public servants, vast powers and discretion they take undue advantages of that. Lastly, there are no adequate means to prevent corruption or bring the offenders to book.

1 comment:

  1. If everyone from a corrupted country will be given a chance to have an income protection cover, they would definitely grab that opportunity instead of relying on their government should unemployment arise.
